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A character consists of a mesh of multiple parts, a skeleton and animations, and feature flags dictating how the character can be customized.

Character features

Character models

Character models are the models player characters use when they spawn into a world.

By default, the primary character model is Round6, composed of 4 rounded limbs, a rounded torso and a cylindrical head.


Round6 is prominently displayed on this early screenshot

The character model contains the following:

  • Parts: Head, Torso, ArmLeft, ArmRight, LegLeft, LegRight
  • Skeleton: BRoot, BTorso, BHead, BArmL, BArmR, BLegL, BLegR,
  • Animations: Idle, Walk, Jump, Sit, Wield, Climb
  • Standard UVs: Shirt, Pants (Roblox-compatible)
  • Features: 6 colors, Height scale, T-shirts (1), Shirts (1), Pants (1), Hats (5), Faces (1), Body (5), Tools (1).

Character colors

Character model parts' colors can be picked. Configurable by character model.

Character height

Character vertical scale can be modified. Can be disabled for character model.

Character clothing

Three main parts: T-shirts, Shirts and Pants. Combined into single character texture.

When creating, need to specify which character model(s) it supports.

Character accessories

Hats, Faces, Tools, Front, Back, etc..?

When creating, need to specify which character model(s) it supports (or add variations for different models?)

Ideas and other stuff

MyLittleQuadruped character model

Basic pony character model inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, usable for ponies and furry characters.

  • Parts: Head, Body, HoofLeft, HoofRight, LegLeft, LegRight
  • Features: 6 colors, Height scale, Hats (manes, horn, etc), Faces (eye color and style), Tools (hoof wields, telekinetic effects), Body (tails, wings, bags etc)

Technical details

The character starts off as a 3D model which has limb parts, an armature and some animations. The model is then exported as glTF, with Custom Properties on the primary Armature defining the following properties:

  • The exported character model (+Y Up, include animations, do NOT include materials, apply modifiers if applicable)
  • which parts it consists of (Head, Torso...) and their respective bones (BHead, BTorso). Also, must name the root bone (BRoot). Please note that the root bone must be the parent of all other bones. The bones must NOT have the same names as the body parts.
  • The character controllers looks for these animations (the tree structure represents fallbacks if not found):
    • Idle
      • Sit
    • Walk
      • Climb
      • Swim(?)
    • Wield
    • Jump
  • Min and max scale - set both to the same value to disable rescaling in character editor, 1 for no scaling.
  • Unit height - Height from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head, used for collider creation.
  • Accessory support - Accessory type + relative origin point translation and quaternion + max amount.

glTF Custom Properties for supported character models

Scale and Unit references 1x1x1 scale Brick being 1 unit in size in each axis.

Armature Custom Properties
Property Type Mandatory Values Notes
FBLXC.Version int yes 1 Character model version
FBLXC.Parts string yes Part names separated by comma Tell the engine about the parts in this model.

This is used to convert the meshes into GameObjects. Example line: Head,Torso,Arm.L,Arm.R,Leg.L,Leg.R NB! Commas are forbidden in mesh names for this reason!

FBLXC.ColorParts string no Part names separated by comma Colorable parts list

Example line: Head,Torso,Arm.L,Arm.R,Leg.L,Leg.R

FBLXC.MinScale float yes 1 Minimum applicable scale within the character editor
FBLXC.MaxScale float yes 1 Maximum applicable scale within the character editor
FBLXC.UnitHeigth int yes 1 Character height in game units
FBLXC.Accessory string no Accessory types separated by comma Currently supported accessories: Hat,Face,Tool,Front,Back
FBLXC.Accessory.Hat.Parent string yes, if accessory in list Accessory parent object Default could be Torso
FBLXC.Accessory.Hat.Origin float array, 3 no 3D Vector Accessory origin relative to the parent. Defaults to 0,0,0
FBLXC.Accessory.Hat.Quat float array, 4 no 4D Quaternion (w,x,y,z) Accessory origin rotation relative to the parent. Defaults to 1,0,0,0 (no rotation)
FBLXC.Accessory.Hat.Amount int no Defaults to just one if accessory is defined Amount of accessories of type supported.
FBLXC.Texture.TShirt string no Part names separated by comma TShirt,Shirt,Pants applicable parts.

The texture specified will only be applied to the listed parts.

FBLXC.Author string no Any text referencing the author Custom character author information